Student Records Defined

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the confidentiality of student education records. The term “educational records” at Drake State is aligned with FERPA and generally includes any record, whether in a printed, handwritten, audio, video, or computer media format, maintained by Drake State containing information directly related to a student. Certain records are, however, excluded by FERPA from this broad definition, such as those made by instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel and kept in their sole possession. 

All computerized records of student admission, educational academic transcripts, financial aid, and financial accounts are maintained on the Banner computer system or electronic storage.  
All users must have a valid user I.D. and password that provides them access to specific menus which have been assigned based on user requirements. In addition to the use of passwords to secure computerized student records, the entire computer network is secured by a firewall.  

Paper copies of academic student records are stored in secured file rooms located in the Admissions Office under the supervision of the Director of Admissions/Registrar. Hard copies of student financial aid records, student accounts, and student disciplinary records are stored in locked offices in securable filling cabinets under the supervision of the Director of Financial Aid, the Director of Fiscal Affairs, and the Dean of Students.