2024-2025 Student Handbook

Official Recognition of Campus Organizations

Procedure for Obtaining Official Recognition Chartering

The College encourages extracurricular activities that develop individual initiative, group leadership, and cooperation. Student organizations and activities must be faculty and/or staff sponsored and must be approved by the College President. 

Any group wishing to organize on campus must receive permission from the Dean of Students and the President by submitting a written request for approval.    

The following information should be included in the written request:  

  1. The name of organization;  
  2. A statement of purpose of the organization;  
  3. The membership eligibility requirements;  
  4. A list of officers by title and the specific function of each office; 
  5. A statement of terms of the officers and the time and method of election; 
  6. Proposed meeting schedule; 
  7. A statement of membership dues, including the amount and frequency of payment and provision for the disposition of any funds in the event of dissolution of the organization; and; 
    Names and titles of club advisor(s).  


Temporary Recognition

Temporary recognition may be given to organizations upon the completion, submission, and approval of the above stated information. The organization must submit an official charter within one semester.  

Review and Approval

A copy of the proposed constitution must be submitted to the Dean of Students for suggestions, recommendations, and approval. A written appeal may be made in the event that official recognition is withheld. The President of the College will make the final decision. A group may not sponsor activities during the time that its application for recognition is being considered or an appeal is being made. After receiving approval, any changes in advisors, or any amendment affecting the nature or purpose of the organization as originally stated must be approved by the Dean of Students.