2024-2025 Student Handbook

Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Individuals are Fully Responsible for their own actions while using Drake State’s (Drake) “computer technology” (defined as Drake computers and computer-related equipment, programs, supplies, and network communications, including Internet access gained through Drake’s computer network).  Users must respect the privacy and rights of others, and the integrity of both the hardware and software being used.  Accordingly, users must assume responsibility for making the best possible use of access privileges and for not abusing them.  Employee questions concerning access, acceptable and unacceptable use, should be directed to the Coordinator of IT Services.  Student questions should be directed to the appropriate instructor or the Dean of Students.    

Limited Access: Drake reserves the right to limit the access of any and all employees and students to certain software programs or directories.  Each user is provided with a certain access level.  A user may not access a computer without authorization or exceed authorized access.  A user’s activity is restricted to access of only those programs or directories in that user’s respective access level.  Likewise, a user may not obtain access to another level by means of another user’s access.  Any user who exceeds their respective level, assists another user to gain access to an otherwise inaccessible level, or allows another user to gain access to an otherwise inaccessible level will be held accountable for the violation of this policy.  A user may not continue to enter an access level which was previously assigned to the user but which has since been suspended, revoked, or otherwise continued.    
No user may knowingly:   

  • Use either Drake computer technology or personal technology to “break into” or “hack into” college or other computers and storage devices for the purpose of reading, copying, deleting, modifying or distributing data and/or information of others, or any other purpose;   
  • Give passwords, access codes or other security level access information to others; Share personal or Drake e-mail accounts.     

Internet Access: Any employee or student access to the Internet through Drake’s computer network is limited to the acceptable use as set out below.  Likewise, any employee or student who accesses the Internet through Drake’s computer network for an unacceptable use or defined above or causes an unacceptable result will be held accountable for the violation.    

The use of the Internet must be in support of education, research, college-related service activities, or college administration and consistent with the mission of Drake State of any material in violation of any federal or state regulation is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret.  Any use of the Internet through Drake’s computer network for political advertisement or political lobbying is also strictly prohibited.    

Users of the Internet through Drake’s computer network are expected to abide by the rules of network etiquette.  Any swearing, vulgarities or other inappropriate language is prohibited.  Users are also prohibited from revealing personal addresses or phone numbers of students or colleagues.    

Users are hereby warned that electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private.  Administrators who maintain the system do have access to all mail.  Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.       

Acceptable Use  

It is acceptable to use Drake computer technology for purposes relating directly to education, educational research, college-related service activities, and administration of Drake.    
Examples of acceptable use are:   

  • Using the software/hardware only in the condition and settings provided by Drake.  User may not modify software settings, to add or delete hardware components or modify software features, unless so instructed by appropriate college officials. 
  • Using the network for the purpose of instructional support.  This may include class assignments, research, skill development, and/or the production of materials used in the educational process.   

Unacceptable Use  

It is unacceptable to use Drake computer technology for any illegal purpose or to interfere with or disrupt other users, services or equipment.  Such unacceptable use includes, but is not limited to, the following:    

  • Engage in activities to damage or disrupt computer, computer system, network information, data or a program by such acts as virus creation and propagation, wasting system resources, or overloading networks with excessive data.   

  • Engage in activities for the purpose of promoting personal gain and/or profit or use of college technology for organizations other than Drake. 

  • Engage in any activity which is in violation of the Code of Alabama (1975) §§36-25-1 through 36-2530, as amended (the “State Ethics Law”), or which, in the opinion of the Drake Administration, may be contrary to such law.   

  • Use of any computer technology in a manner that violates patent protection or license agreements. 

  • Engage in any activity that violates any and all copyright laws.  Such activity may include utilizing Drake technology to copy and/or distribute copyrighted materials of any type that the user does not have a valid and legal right to copy. 

  • Engage in any use that is illegal or results in the commission of any illegal activity.    

  • Use Drake computer technology to support or oppose any candidates or candidates for public office, or for any other political purpose.  (Use of State property for political purposes is against Alabama law.)   

  • Transmit messages of a romantic or sexual nature to any person or persons.   

  • Create, display, transmit or make accessible threatening, racist, sexist, offensive, annoying, or harassing language and/or material.   

  • Knowingly access or transmit information which contains obscene or indecent material as defined by law. 

  • Knowingly perform an act, which will interfere with the normal operation or use of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks. 

  • Create copies, or take into the user’s personal possession copies of Drake owned software and/or hardware technology such as computers, components, disks, or peripherals. 

  • Using another person’s computer account or allowing someone else to use your account (e-mail, secure systems, etc.). 

  • Share personal or Drake e-mail accounts.    

  • Masking the identity of an account or machine or in any manner misrepresenting your identity in email or other electronic communication.    

  • Communicating any information concerning password, identifying code, personal identification number or other confidential information without the permission of its owner.    

  • Creating, modifying, executing or re-transmitting any computer program or instructions intended to obscure the true identity of the sender of electronic mail or electronic messages, collectively referred to as “Messages,” including, but not limited to, forgery or Messages and/or alteration of system and/or user data used to identify the sender of Messages.    

  • Attempts to gain unauthorized access to any information facility, whether successful or not. This includes running programs that attempt to calculate or guess passwords, or that are designed and crafted to trick other users into disclosing their passwords, and any attempts to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes. It also includes electronic eavesdropping or communication facilities.    

Access is a Privilege, not a Right: Drake State reserves the right to deny the privilege of the use of any or all types of computer technology to individuals who violate this Acceptable Use Policy.  Users may also be held accountable for violations of Federal and/or Alabama Laws (i.e., Computer-Related Crime, etc.). Violations of this policy may result in the termination or suspension of employment, suspension of computing privileges, disciplinary review, any other forms of employee or student discipline, and/or financial restitution to Drake State for any damages and costs related to inappropriate or unacceptable use, and/or criminal or civil legal action.  Drake State reserves the right to modify or clarify this policy at any time.    

Computer Crimes: The Alabama Computer Crime Act, codified at Code of Alabama (1975) §§13A-8-101 – 13A-8103, makes it a crime for a person to damage, or without authorization to modify, computer equipment, computer networks, and computer programs and supplies or without authorization to access, examine, or use computer data and programs, and provides for punishment up to a Class B Felony (imprisonment for 2-20 years and/or a fine up to $10,000 or double the damage or loss to the victim).  Federal law also makes it a crime to without authorization access level to computers or computer networks devoted in part to Federal purposes.  Any violation of such State or Federal laws respecting computers shall also constitute a violation of the Drake State Computer Technology Acceptable Use Policy.  Furthermore, this policy prohibits various actions (described above) which may or may not constitute a crime.    
It is not acceptable to use DrakeMail in such a way as to interfere with or disrupt network users, services, or equipment.  DrakeMail resources may not be used in the following manner.

  1. To generate or facilitate unsolicited commercial e-mail (“spam”).  Such activity includes, but is not limited to:
  • Sending e-mail in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act or any other applicable anti-spam law.
  •  Imitating or impersonating another person or his/her e-mail address.
  •  Sending e-mails to users who have requested to be removed from a mailing list.
  •  Selling, exchanging, or distributing to a third party the e-mail addresses of any person without such person's knowledge and continued consent to such disclosure. 
  •  Distributing unsolicited e-mails to significant numbers of e-mail addresses belonging to individuals and/or entities with whom you have no pre-existing relationship. 
  1. To send, upload, distribute or disseminate or offer to do the same with respect to any unlawful, defamatory, harassing, abusive, fraudulent, infringing, obscene, or otherwise objectionable content.  
  2. To intentionally distribute viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, corrupted files, hoaxes, or any other items of destructive or deceptive nature.   
  3. To conduct or forward pyramid schemes and the like. 
  4. To transmit content that may be harmful to minors.
  5. To impersonate another person (via the use of an e-mail address or otherwise) or otherwise misrepresent yourself or the source of any e-mail.    
  6. To illegally transmit another’s intellectual property or other proprietary information without such owner’s or licensor’s permission.  
  7. To use DrakeMail to violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others.  
  8. To promote or encourage illegal activity.   
  9. To interfere with other DrakeMail users’ enjoyment of the service.   
  10. To conduct commercial activities and other activities conducted for personal gain.    
  11. To promote religious or political causes or to promote fundraising or lobbying.   
  12. Solicitations not approved by the College. 
  13. Vandalism and mischief that incapacitates, compromises, or destroys college resources and/or violates federal and/or state laws.   
  14. Violating software copyrights and usage licensing agreements.    
  15. Violating any federal, state, or local law/regulation, or college policy/procedure.