Backup Measures

The College uses digital imaging as a method of storing paper documents. Paper documents are imaged and stored digitally on the College's image server. These documents are then accessible to select personnel on campus. A complete backup of the image server is performed nightly. The Banner system is backed up to an additional local server at the College. 
NOTICE:  Under the Federal Family Educational Privacy Rights Act, 20 U.S.C. 123g, Drake State may disclose certain student information as “directory information.”  Directory information includes the names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and major fields of study of students, as well as information about the student’s participation in officially recognized activities and sports, the weight and height of members of athletic teams, the dates of attendance by students, degrees and awards and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by a respective student. If any student has an objection to any of the aforementioned information being released during any given semester or academic year, the student should notify the Registrar, in person or in writing, during the first three weeks of the respective semester or academic year.