Fundraising by Student Organizations

Students, when fundraising through student organizations, are required to adhere to the rules and regulations of institutional fundraising policies. Organizations are to receive prior approval from the Dean of Students and the President or the President’s designee before commencing any fundraising activities. Fundraising should be for the benefit of the collective organization or an approved charitable cause. Monies raised should not be for the specific benefit of individuals (within or outside the organization.) 

  • All student fundraising activities, whether originating from a club or department-sponsored organization or a campus service area, that occur on campus and do not involve outside solicitation must be approved by the Dean of Students and the President and/or the President’s designee prior to scheduling facilities, advertising, or contacting for services. 
  • Soliciting local businesses, national corporations, or individuals (alumni, friends of the College, etc.) by any student organization for donations (money, sponsorships, gifts, premiums) to support campus fundraising must be approved by the Dean of Students and the President and/or the President’s designee before any contact can be made.