2024-2025 College Catalog


Admissions Policy Statement

It shall be the policy of Drake State to admit all students who meet the established admission criteria.    
Admission decisions will be made without regard to the applicant’s race, color, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, religion, creed, national origin, or age.        

Academic Advisement    

Potential students are encouraged to meet with the Academic Completion Specialists, Enrollment Advisor, and program faculty prior to deciding on a particular program of study.  The College has a large assortment of media on different careers for students who are undecided on a program of study. Once a student decides on a program of study, the appropriate Academic Completion Specialist and faculty advisor of the chosen program become the student’s academic advisors.    

Admission of First-Time College Students    

An applicant who has not previously attended any regionally accredited postsecondary institution will be designated a first-time college student or a native student. To be eligible for admission, a first-time college student must meet one of the following criteria:    

  • hold an Alabama high school diploma
  • a high school diplomas of another state equivalent to an Alabama high school diploma
  • an equivalent diploma issued by a non-public and/or non-regionally accredited high school
  • or a GED (General Educational Development) Certificate issued by the appropriate state education agency. A student who meets one of the above criteria shall be classified as "degree eligible."

Unconditional Admission of First-Time College Students

For unconditional admission, applicants must complete an online application for admission and provide the following:    
An official high school or GED transcript     

Conditional Admission of First-Time College Students   

For conditional admission, applicants must complete an online application for admission and provide the following:    
An unofficial high school or GED transcript.  (Failure to provide all official transcripts by the end of the first semester will prevent a student from future registration.)    
*Students who are conditionally admitted are not eligible to receive Federal, Veteran educational benefits, or institutional aid.  

Admission of Transient Students   

A student who attends another postsecondary institution and who seeks credit for transfer to that parent institution may be admitted to the College as a transient student.  The student must submit an online application for admission and an official letter from the institution which certifies that the credit earned at the College will be accepted as a part of the student’s academic program.  The student is not required to file transcripts of previously-earned credits at other postsecondary institutions.    

Admission of Transfer Students  

Unconditional Admission of Transfer Students 

 An applicant who has previously attended another regionally accredited postsecondary institution will be required to complete an online application for admission and provide the following:  

  • Official transcripts of all work attempted at all said institutions. Students who have achieved a minimum of a Baccalaureate degree are only required to submit a transcript from the granting institution with the exception of students utilizing Veteran benefits. If transfer students are using Veteran benefits, all transcripts from all institutions must be submitted.     

An official high school or GED transcript.        
EXCEPTION: Veteran Students – All official transcripts including military transcripts must be submitted prior to admission to the institution.  Students receiving Veteran’s education benefits must have transcripts of all prior military and civilian training sent to and evaluated by the Office of Admissions prior to any enrollment certifications being submitted to the Department of Veterans Affairs.    

Conditional Admission of Transfer Students

An applicant who has previously attended another regionally accredited postsecondary institution will be required to complete an online application for admission and provide the following:    

  • Unofficial transcripts of work attempted at all institutions. Students who have achieved a minimum of a Baccalaureate degree are only required to submit a transcript from the granting institution. *Please review exception of students utilizing Veteran benefits. Failure to provide all official transcripts by the end of the first semester will prevent a student from future registration. 
  • An unofficial high school or GED transcript.
  • ACCUPLACER assessment or proof of minimum required scores on the ACT or SAT, or certain exemptions as stated in the Assessment and Placement policy. OPTIONAL

 *Students who are conditionally admitted are not eligible to receive Federal, Veteran educational benefits, or institutional aid. 

EXCEPTION: Veteran Students - All official transcripts including military transcripts must be submitted prior to admission to the institution. Students receiving Veteran benefits must have transcripts of all prior military and civilian training sent to and evaluated by the Office of Admissions prior to any enrollment certifications being submitted to the Department of Veteran Affairs. 

Initial Academic Status of Transfer Students   

A transfer student whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale will be admitted on Clear academic status. A transfer student whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is less than 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will be admitted on Academic Probation.    

Admission of International Students 

 Prior to being issued an I-20 form, international students are required to complete an application for admission and provide the following:    

International First-Time Students

  • A certified original translated and evaluated copy of the student's high school transcript.
  • A current and valid passport or other official documentation to verify lawful presence. 
  • A current photo (passport-size, preferred).
  • A minimum score of 5.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), a total score of 61 on the Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), a total score of 173 on the computer-based TOEFL, or a total score of 500 on the paper-based TOEFL.
  • A signed notarized Affidavit of support (letter from a banking institution verifying balance must be noted in U.S. dollars) verifying adequate financial support. 
  • Payment of I-901 Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee. 
  • A medical health history with proof of vaccinations. 
  • Documentation demonstrating adequate health and life insurance, including repatriation, which must be maintained during all periods of enrollment.  

International Transfer Students

  • A certified original translated and evaluated copy of the student's high school transcript verifying completion status and a translated and evaluated transcript from each college attended. Students who have achieved a minimum of a Baccalaureate degree are only required to submit a transcript from the degree granting institution. 
  • A signed notarized Affidavit of support (letter from a banking institution verifying balance must be noted in U.S. dollars) verifying financial support. 
  • Copy of student's current Form I-20.
  • Copy of student's Visa and Passport.
  • A medical health history with proof of vaccinations.
  • Documentation demonstrating adequate health and life insurance, including repatriation, which must be maintained during all periods of enrollment.

Re-Enrollment of Students

A student who has not maintained continuous enrollment (i.e., has not been enrolled for three or more consecutive semesters, or has graduated from the college) and wishes to re-enroll must apply for re-entry as a returning student. If continuous enrollment is not maintained, graduation requirements may change.    

Audit Student  

An audit student is an applicant who wishes to enroll for classes only on an audit basis. The applicant must meet college admissions criteria, which consist of a completed online admission application and high school transcript or GED certificate for a first-time student, or a completed admission application and official transcripts from all colleges attended for a transfer student and all other required documentation.    
An applicant who has a Baccalaureate degree will need to submit only the transcript from the institution awarding the degree.  Audit students must abide by class attendance policy and all standard course requirements, excluding the completion of course examinations.  The cost of auditing a course is the same as enrolling for credit.       

Senior Citizens

Persons sixty (60) years of age or older may be eligible for a tuition waiver if they qualify for the Senior Adult Scholarship Program. Applicants must meet the following conditions:

  • Comply with the college admission standards as noted earlier in this catalog under Admission of First-time College Students, Admission of Transfer Students or Former Students applying for Readmission. 
  • Be an Alabama resident.
  • Be sixty (60) years of age or older.
  • Enroll for credit; noncredit enrollment is not eligible for tuition waiver.

The student is responsible for any fees or other charges applied to the general student body. Senior citizens granted a tuition waiver under the Senior Adult Scholarship Program may receive the tuition waiver only one time per course. Any time a senior citizen repeats a course the student is responsible not only for fees but also for tuition.  

General Principles for Transfer of Credit  

Equivalent Transfer Credits

Drake State reserves the right to accept or deny course work presented for transfer credit.  Typically, all course work from regionally accredited institutions will be accepted as fair equivalent courses at Drake State, provided the college has equivalent courses at all appropriate levels.  Courses not having fair equivalents at Drake State may or may not be accepted.  For additional information, students may contact the Office of Admissions.    
Any student who has previously attended another regionally accredited postsecondary institution is considered a transfer student and is required to furnish official transcripts of ALL work attempted at each institution.  Transcripts are evaluated by the Office of Admissions with appropriate transfer credits placed on the Drake State transcript including current academic standing.  Accepted coursework will be listed in the transfer category with credit hours earned awarded.  General principles for the transfer of credit for degree eligible students and the standards for academic progress of transfer students are used. Students can also utilize the Alabama Transfers website https://www.alabamatransfers.com/ for transfer credit information.    
Coursework accepted as transfer work or credit toward an undergraduate program of study must represent collegiate level coursework relevant to course content and level of instruction equivalent to those of students enrolled in the Drake State undergraduate programs.  In assessing and documenting equivalent learning and the awarding of credit, the College may use guides recognized or published by the American Council on Education, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and the Alabama Community College System Uniform Course Directory.  
All transfer work or credit earned from non-traditional sources awarded by Drake State allows students the opportunity to achieve their educational goals and supports the college's mission. As a member of the Alabama Community College System, Drake State assumes the responsibility for providing a quality education to all students.  
A transfer student from a collegiate institution not accredited by the appropriate regional association may request an evaluation of transfer credits after completing 15 semester hours at Drake State with a cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) of 2.0 or above.  
A transfer grade of “D” will only be accepted when the transfer student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above. If the student has a cumulative 2.0 or above, the “D” grade will be accepted the same as for native students. Credit may be extended based on a comprehensive evaluation of demonstrated and documented competencies and previous formal training.    
*Note: Transfer work is not calculated in the student’s Drake State GPA. However, if qualified, the course transferred can count toward earning a degree.  

Credit for Life Experience and Noncredit Education  

 By policy of the Alabama Community College System, students may receive credit for previous work experience or non-credit continuing education, such as professional development workshops or industry-sanctioned training, whether provided by the college or other training providers. Allowable credit is determined by the program instructor and the Office of Admissions, with the approval of the Dean of Instruction.  
Credit for academic transfer courses can be awarded by examination or nationally recognized guidelines (such as AP, CLEP, ACT/PEP, DANTES, Challenge Exams, ACE PONSI/CREDIT, or ACE/MILITARY). Credit for non-transfer technical courses may be awarded through examination, portfolio evaluation, and demonstrated mastery of the competencies taught in the courses for which credit is to be given.  
Credit awarded in this manner is referred to as “experiential credit,” awarded through non-traditional means. A student may not be awarded experiential credit in excess of 25% of the total requirement of the program award being sought. Credits awarded in this manner do not count toward the requirement that a minimum of 25% of credits awarded in any program must be taken at the institution granting the award.  

Course Credit by Departmental Challenge Examination   

Students may be awarded credit for documented competencies and formal training on challenge examinations.  

Specialized Military Training    

The College adheres to policies prescribed by the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services in granting credit for military course work.  

Advanced Placement   

Students who have completed college level courses offered by high schools and have earned a score of 3 or higher on the AP Exam will receive credit.    

Articulated Credit   

A planned process that allows a high school student enrolled in certain occupational/technical programs the opportunity to progress from secondary to postsecondary in a sequential manner of instruction. (Statewide Articulation.)   

Credit for Transfer 

 Any student who has previously attended another regionally accredited postsecondary institution is considered a transfer student and is required to furnish official transcripts of ALL work attempted at each institution. Transcripts are evaluated by the Office of Admissions with appropriate transfer credits placed on the Drake State transcript including current academic standing.      

CLEP – College Level Examination Program   

Credit for subject examinations is granted based on 50th percentile scores with courses awarded for credit listed in the college catalog. Drake State is not currently a testing center for CLEP examinations but will evaluate and accept credits for CLEP examinations for courses listed in the college catalog. Students will be responsible for scheduling and paying for CLEP examinations. For information on testing centers, examinations, fees, and other details, please visit the College Board website https://clep.collegeboard.org/about-clep.