General Information
Mission Statement
Drake State Community and Technical College offers flexible, affordable technical and university-transfer degrees, industry certification, adult and continuing education, and customized skills training to support and enhance the North Alabama community.
Approved by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees – December 14, 2022
About the Catalog

Drake State publishes and makes available the Academic Calendar, grading policies, and refund policies to students and the general public. The College publishes the Catalog and Student Handbook on the College’s website. The Academic Calendar is published within the Catalog and Student Handbook and is also published online.
The Institution's grading policies are published in the Catalog. These policies include an explanation of the College’s grading system and procedures for course forgiveness, and academic bankruptcy. The Catalog also publishes grading policies specific to the Registered Nursing Program. Each instructor distributes the grading policy in the course syllabus to every student at the beginning of each semester, which includes methods of evaluation and grading policies specific to the course and instructor. These policies adhere to those published in the Catalog. The refund policies are published in the Catalog.
The College offers courses that are traditional, online, or hybrid format. All students taking classes can access the Catalog online via the College’s website. Students can also access information concerning the Academic Calendar, grading policies, and refund policies on the College’s website.